Private Surgery / Surgery Abroad - Latest NHS Inform Guideance in link below.
It has been agreed by the GP Partners that the Practice Policy will be to follow the current interim guidance released in January 2023 from the Scottish Government that whilst NHS Scotland will always provide emergency care where necessary, all routine pre and post-operative care should be part of the package of care purchased by the individual. There will be no obligation on NHS Boards to provide such routine pre & post-operative care, therefore any further routine pre or post-operative care would need to be arranged in the private sector. This includes routine follow-up bloods post private surgery.
*NHS Grampian Position Statement: Management of patients who have undergone private bariatric (weight loss) surgery. Please read the links below as they contain important information regarding care & follow up*.
*Weight Loss Medication Sourced Privately- Please read the important information below*
Ellon Medical Practice would like to ensure that all patients who seek private weight loss medication are aware that this is done as a separate arrangement between themselves and the company providing the medication. The practice will be reminding any such companies by letter of their prescribing responsibilities but will not be providing medical information on request to them or discussing directly with patients as this does not fall within NHS remitted workload. It is the patient's responsibility to provide an accurate medical history to any company that provides weight loss medication privately. If required, a Subject Access Report form can be completed by a patient & submitted to us directly, should they require a medical summary for a private prescribers.
Please click the link to find out more on how to register with a GP Practice
NHS Grampian General Practice Patient Facing Website
Every day GP Practices are seeing hundreds of patients all with different needs, requests and health backgrounds.
New ways of working have been introduced and consultations are offered in a range of ways to best meet the individual needs of each patient depending on what they are seeking an appointment for, and to help practices to see as many patients as possible each day.
For further information and helpful self-support reference links please visit:
Getting the Right Care in the Right Place
To make sure everyone can access the care they need quickly and safely it is important you choose the right care in the right place. Visit or see the attached 'A Guide to NHS Scotland Services, Right Care Right Place' booklet.
Right Care Right Place Guide
NHS Inform - Know Who To Turn To
The NHS Inform website offers a wealth of information regarding other health problems.
"Know who to turn to" can also help you to determine which health care professional can best deal with your problem e.g. pharmacy, optician, dental, A&E, GP, Physiotherapy etc.
Generic (unbranded) Medicines across NHS Grampian: How it affects you
As you are probably aware, it is becoming increasingly important that the NHS prescribes medication as efficiently as possible without compromising the quality of care provided to patients.
NHS Grampian have asked GPs to ensure that all patients are prescribed generic medicines, unless there is a medical reason for prescribing a branded version. Please see attached NHS Grampian Generic Medicines letter for further details.
Generic Medicines
Patient Contact
We kindly ask all patients to ensure that your contact details held with reception are current, including mobile telephone number and email address where available.
In the event that your telephone is subject to screening/withheld number barring, please ensure that you provide an alternative mobile phone number for Duty Doctor call back or when requesting telephone consultation appointments.